• Long Pastas are either flat or round strands that come in different lengths, widths and thicknesses.
  • Generally, the thicker the strand, the heavier the sauce, however experimentation is encouraged.
  • Long pastas are available either fresh or dry, with lighter , delicate sauces better suited to the fresh variety.


  • Egg
  • Spinach

Translated to “narrow ribbons 10mm wide x 250mm long.
Usually sold in flat strands or loosely coiled nests, either fresh or dry.
May be served as a dish with sauce or broken into pieces and added to soupd.
Suggested sauces: Fresh fettucine – light tomato sauces, butter-based sauces, light oit-base sauces, light cream0based sauces.
Dry fettucine – meat sauces, thick tomato sauces, thick cream sauces.